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Sahar S
Lately we've been thinking about you a lot Fred...

Moska and I literally sit there for hours reminiscing and talking about how amazing you were...
We went to MK today and started talking about your birthday, my birthday, skiing, and all the amazing memories and I started to cry...we got really quiet. We also visited Hash, and of course our topic of conversation was you and your AMAZINGness. You were incredible.

It still hasn't hit us Fred..but little by little reality is taking over and we realize that the greatest guy we knew left us...We miss you to death Fred...literally.. Moska, Diwa, and myself sat there in the car and replayed Bass I think at LEAST 10 times...and we all sat there in silence...after we said we could imagine you dancing as we heard the song....God how it still shocks us that we will never see your beautiful face again. Your smile truly made us all smile and could brighten anyone's mood....

I come to this site daily, and it kills me to see us writing memories, and condolences for YOUR passing....I think about your mom a lot too...it breaks my heart..But you have helped us all so much in trying to remain strong for each other. You gave us strength that truly none of us thought we would have.Thank you for that...but I wish you were still around so we didn't need the strength to accept this tragedy. We miss you Fred, please continue to watch over your family, Samira, and your loved ones. We truly miss you and love you more than ever...

With every breath, with every step, you're with us
Moska Amarkhel
Losing a friend like you was probably one of the worst experiences of my life. I just want to take time to share with you what losing you has thought me. It didn't feel real until now. No matter how strong you are nothing can prepare you for losing someone you care about or love. I think for the longest time I was in denial as I am sure many of us were because non of us could bear the thought of never seeing or talking to you again. You feel numb even fearful at the thought.You keep expecting and hoping against hope to see them somewhere even if it was for a second to say the things you didn’t say but fate is cruel and you don’t get a second chance to say sorry, thank you or I love you. So thank you Fred for always being such a warm, caring, considerate and loving person to everyone in your life. When you lose someone you start to think about your life and how there are so many things that you say and do that are wrong and a waste of valuable time.We never think of the prospect of dieing we never think what if there is no tomorrow. And I am sure you never thought there wouldn't be a tomarrow but unfortunately for you there wasn't. We argue with those closest to us and don’t forgive them for mistakes. We let our anger take control of us and say things in the heat of the moment without ever seriously considering what we are saying. We always worry about material things but never consider the soul the only thing we will be taking with us from this world. Knowing the kind of person Fred was he knew life was too short for arguments mistakes and waiting for tomorrows that never come.We should live each day as our last and live our life so that we are prepared for our death. We should satisfy our souls and pay as much attention to our soul as we do to everything else and not get caught up in this fast and busy world because this is just a journey to our final abode. We should smile more often like Fred did with that smile that would brighten up any room that he entered and not get angry with those we love so easily like he did. After his death I realized that death doesn’t wait for us to say bye or I love you and I have learned to appreciate everyone in my life. You have one chance at this life and it is up to you to live your life correctly and to please Allah who has blessed you so much. Death comes without warning and gives no second chances. I pray for you everyday and I hope you hear this Fred..... Thank you for teaching me so much and may you R.I.P!
Tina Murrryland

Sir, we miss you too much.......you are everywhere we look.........


Last night i went to the Janet concert and she performed her song "Together Again". I remember when the song first came out, Janet had written it to a friend of hers who died of AIDS. Whenever i hear her singing that song, i was amazed at the passion she sang it with and how she believed every word of it.  She always performs amazingly well to every song, but there is a different passion she has for that song. Last night, when she sang it i finally understood how powerful that song is. When she performed it last night, I  felt as if you could hear everyone singing it. It was such a powerful moment. You could tell everyone at the stadium was singing the song from the bottom of their heart looking above at the sky. Hope you heard it sir.......



"Together Again"


There are times
When I look above
And beyond
There are times when I feel your love
Around me baby
Ill never forget my baby
(Ill never forget you)

There are times when I look above and beyond
There are times when I feel your love around me baby
Ill never forget my baby

When I feel that I dont belong
Draw my strength
From the words when you said
Hey its about you baby
Look deeper inside you baby

Dream about us together again
What I want us together again baby
I know well be together again cuz

Everywhere I go
Every smile I see
I know you are there
Smilin back at me
Dancin in moonlight
I know you are free
Cuz I can see your star
Shinin down on me

(together again, ooh)
Good times well share again
(together again, ooh)
Makes me wanna dance
(together again, ooh)
Say it loud and proud
(together again, ooh)
All my loves for you

Always been a true angel to me
Now above
I cant wait for you to wrap your wings around me baby
Oooh wrap them around me baby

Sometimes hear you whisperin
No more pain
No worries will you ever see now baby
Im so happy for my baby



(together again, ooh)
Good times well share again
(together again, ooh)
Ooh it makes me wanna dance
(together again, ooh)
Say it loud and proud
(together again, ooh)
All my loves for you

There are times when I look above and beyond
There are times when I feel you smile upon me baby
Ill never forget my baby

What Id give just to hold you close
As on earth
In heaven we will be together baby
Together again my baby









it never gets easier writing on here....i think i should stop writing to you while at work :)


Sahar S
So my mom and I came to visit you the other day...and she couldn't stop crying...she said she remembered how happy I was when you were alive...and it made me smile...I had never been happier. I thought those days would never end. All of us together almost every single day, it really was the best of times. My birthday is coming up Agha Farid...and everyone keeps asking me what I want to do, and I just reply "nothing" for the first time ever i'm dreading my birthday, cause that's when it'll hit me that you're gone...Every time I think about my birthday the one thing that comes to mind is all of us at Aladdin's and you surprising me with the birthday cake...I was so surprised cause you hadn't mentioned anything about my birthday all night so I had assumed you had forgotten, but how could you? You were always the most thoughtful person... then I started thinking about your birthday...and your birthday party...and how at ATB you gave me a red bull and told me to keep it and give it to you for your next birthday....I still have that Red Bull... <3 Oh gosh I miss you Fred...The other night we all went to an Eid Party at Mason and I could've sworn  I saw you...it was the weirdest thing, I saw you dancing then when i turned back around you were gone...and i just smiled cause i knew you were there...

Love you agha Farid...With every breath you're still here.
mex abbasi

doesnt kno...why he comes to this page every night and cries his eyes out... but i jst got the courage to finally say something..


fred knew how much i loved him


it was about 5 in the morning and i couldnt sleep. so i decided to call fred and jst talk to him cuz i was wit him a lil earlier.. and he was like man stay on the fone wit me till i go to sleep and i say ok..so were talking and about 2 hours pass by and hes still on the fone wit me. then out of nowhere he tells me to come outside and im like wtf u talking bout u kno how late it is..

so i go outside and i see him waiting outside for me...


he says


"i jst drove back 2 hours to come and tell u in person that i love u and will always be here for u" and he got back into his car and jst left

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