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Sharifa Abbasi

Here is a song that I listen to almost every day...The lyrics are straight from my heart...and im sure as well as from the hearts of all of his other loved ones he left behind....Fred broke so many hearts that nite :(


"Un-break My Heart" by Toni Braxton

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Come back and bring back my smile
Come and take these tears away
I need your arms to hold me now
The nights are so unkind
Bring back those nights when I held you beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart
My heart

Take back that sad word good-bye
Bring back the joy to my life
Don't leave me here with these tears
Come and kiss this pain away
I can't forget the day you left
Time is so unkind
And life is so cruel without you here beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry these tears
I cried so many nights
Un-break my heart
My heart

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Bring back the nights when I held you beside me

Un-break my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry this tears
I cried so many, many nights
Un-break my

Un-break my heart oh baby
Come back and say you love me
Un-break my heart
Sweet darlin'
Without you I just can't go on
Can't go on....

Samira Ramezan
here is another memory that I would love to share...

It was close to Halloween, and a bunch of us (i think like 15 people) decided to go to a Haunted Forest...the car trip there alone was filled with a thousand memories but I will stick to the only a few...

well to begin with, when we go there, Fred, being the daredevil that he is, decided to go on one of the stunts they had where you had to climb this huuuuge like 40 ft pole and then jump off it and hang on to this wire across from it....no one was really doing it but Fred decided to....and as he is climbing, we are all chanting Fred, Fred, Fred! and he gets on top of it and we are still chanting for him and you can tell he is sooo nervous but he has the biggest smile on his face and pretty soon, before we knew it, allll these other people came and joined us, yelling Fred, Fred, Fred too...and he jumped and successfully grabbed onto the wire...eveeeeeeeryone there cheered for him....people who had never met him before instantly had a place for him in their heart :/

but that is not the most important memory of the night....the one that sticks out the most is when we were leaving the Haunted Forest and going back to the car...Fred was one of the drivers and as we approached his car from the dealership, we saw some stupid immature kids had poured popcorn and all this other trash all over Fred's car....we were all furious...all, but Fred....he just simply gently wiped away the popcorn with his hands and told everyone to relax and that everything was ok...it wasn't even our cars, and we were more upset then him...Fred didn't try to find who did it and he didn't even show an ounce of anger...no, he just asked us to get into the car and said everything was ok...now, tell me....how can this peaceful, young, and amazing man be the victim of such a brutal crime...I just dont know :/ I just don't know who can ever want to hurt him
Sharifa Abbasi


     I have visited this page many times wondering what is there for me to write.  Memories?  How can I possibly write all of my memories on this wall.  I have memories of you from the time I was able to remember anything to the very last unfortunate time I saw you.  How can I possibly compress all of my memories onto this website.  When I think about memories of you I'd like to share with people, so many memories come to mind.  I mean how could it not?  Fred, you were there with me every step of the way for all of lifes precious little moments.  From the time you learned to ride a bike before me, to the time you tried to teach me how to ride the bike and you let me ride it downhill by myself only to find me crashing head on to a parked car, to the time we would play kickball with all of the neighbors, to the time you and I went fishing with our very first American friend Christian.

     I remember going fishing that day like it was yesterday.  We were both so young.  I was 9 and you were 7.  Christain's mom took us fishing to Burke lake Park. I remember they didn't have enough fishing rods so me and you made ours from sticks we found in the woods, and just attached a peice of string to it.  I also remember catching a fish with that rod and me freaking out when I pulled it out of the water.  But most of all, I remember you trying to convince Christian to throw the fish back into the water becuase you felt bad for it.  YOu said "I can't take it man, look at how much its suffering...just throw it back in." But Chrisitan didn't listen. He was like no I want to take it home and he took it home with him to only throw it out on the street. 

     I know this is a memory from a really long time, but for some reason I have been unable to forget it.  Maybe it's becuase your expression is forever embedded into my head, the expression of the immense sadness you felt when you saw the fish suffering like that.  Fred, I don't know why. But for some reason when I think about you and how you lay there on that cold ground the night you were murdered, with a bullet through you, I can't help but imagine you suffering like that very fish you couldn't bear to watch suffer.  How could it be that God destined the same fate for you, I will never know....

     Fred, you were never capable of watching any suffering or hurting anything? You had this amazing heart....this heart that felt a compassion and sympathy for everything and everyone without any bias...how than?  how than can someone just end your life so abruptly without even thinking twice?  Did they not feel an ounce of sympathy or an ounce of sadness when they chose to fire that bullet? The bullet that forever shattered our lives and ended yours.  I will always wonder.....and I'll be sure to ask God when I meet him one day...

Laureine Ghaleb
Another beautiful memory that came to mind last night... About 3 years back, I was going through a really rough time and felt like I couldn't count on anyone around me..and when we would hang out with everyone, fred would know instantly how hurt I would be. So one time I was sleeping, and around 4 am I got a phone call and it was fred, and even tho he had jus finished eating after the club, and it was too late, he told me to get up and look out the window. I get up and I see this GORGEOUS FULL MOON outside my window, shining so bright, it was the most beautiful sight I have seen, and he said and I will never forget this "you see that moon? Everytime its that big and you spot it, know that I'm there for you and I'm protecting you. So whenever you feel like nobody is there for you, look at that moon and you'll find me there." :( and last night as I was coming home late, the moon was as full as ever, and the closer I got home, the closeer it got too, and when I got home, the moon was right outside my window. I kneeled down and yes I admit I cried frm the bottom of my heart and I shouldn't have, but that memory instantly came to mind and I was so shaken that even tho fred is not here physically, HE IS HERE WITH US WHEREVER WE GO, SURROUNDING US BY HIS BEAUTIFUL HEART WARMING PRESENCE. I LOVE YOU IMMENSELY FRED AND I CAN NEVER THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR BEING THE ONE PERSON WHO UNDERSTOOD ME WITHOUT ME HAVING TO SAY A SINGLE WORD. THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE WHENEVER I NEEDED YOU AND STILL BEING THERE. YOU ARE A TRUE SEFLESS, GENEROUS MAN THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND... I'd give anything to be there for you again and hug you when you needed it the most. And like ur fav man lil wayne says, well always have that 'ONE NIGHT ONLY'.:)
Samira Ramezan

Yet another memory :)

   It was a Sunday in January and you had come over to formally meet my sister. Ali was there too, and the four of us watched "Who's Your Caddy", which was my pick and by far the worse movie ever so I was extremely embarrassed. We probably said a total of 20 words and Ali and Samaneh later cracked up at how shy we were around each other...but I now realize it was the amount of respect we had for one another...so you came with chocolates and some Odwalla juice for me and we watched the movie and you left...soon after you texted me saying: "I swear you just get prettier by the day." Still smiling from the text,I got a phone call from you saying you think you left your wallet by the couch. So I went by the couch and checked everywhere but couldn't find it so then you suggested me to look outside if you might have dropped it there...and as I walked to the door with you on the phone, I gasped with surprise...you had left a dozen roses in a beautiful vase for me and a dozen gorgeous pink tulips for my sister...how thoughtful you were Fred....so I told you I'd call you back once I got my composure and I RAN downstairs to my sister and her mouth was open for a full  5 mins...we then both called you and thanked you forever...and being the modest man you always were,  you didn't want to hear any more thank yous...here I go again...THANK YOU for everything <3

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