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Zohal Saboor
I visit this page almost every other day, but I still haven't put up a memory or lit a candle or give my condolences and I hope you can forgive me for that, Fred, I just didn't think I would be strong enough to do this. Its the month of Ramadan now, and I know Allah and you can give me the strength to get through this because honestly, what happened is still very hard on me, I just don't show it on the outside. Enough about me, let me try to remember all the WONDERFUL memories I had with you.
We only knew each other for about a year and a half. We would always have these side conversations in the middle of where ever we were,I loved just having conversations with you. You would always ask me if I'm going out, and I would tell you, I can't, my mom won't let me. And you told me "that's good though, respect your moms...I know I worry my mom all the time but I love her so much" It was weird to hear a boy express how much he loves his mom like you did.
And last fall, exactly around now, I was going through a difficult time and I remember you telling me in the middle of Mk, "Forget them haters, be you, be Miss Zohal, I always got your back"
Oh! How could I forget playing poker at MK with like 20 people and you were hiding cards under your hat and everywhere, haha, I was cracking up.
When I first told you, that I thought you looked half-black, I thought you were gonna get mad, but you started laughing, that laugh of yours, and I was like oh snap, its Flava Flavvv lol.
Good times at the Haunted Forest...climbing up the tree thing....you got the whole crowd of random people cheering your name, FRED! FRED! FRED! and you did it! What was even more funny was how you and Noor scared me and Sahar so bad we screamed so loud we scared you back :) ((in that tiny bus thing))
Then you gave Tina and I those subway sandwiches that you left in your car, haha I remember how you saw me and her looking at the sandwiches because we were sooo hungry.
your birthday party....you dont even want to know all the things samira and sahar did for you! I came and helped set up all the decorations and food and it was just craziness, but once you walked into the door, the fun arrived. Remember when we sat in the corner towards the end of the party, all tired from dancing and I asked if you had a good birthday, and you, with your wonderful answers all the time haha said, "i couldn't have asked for anything more okkkkkk"
the last time I saw you was on June 5, at MK. There was a black out, so we were all smoking hookah in the dark and you and Hash came in a little later after us. I got up to go to the bathroom and there were no seats left for me, and you insisted on giving me your seat, and wouldn't sit down unless I took your seat. Always a gentlemen.
We started coming to your soccer games, which I loved watching. Especially the Sunday morning ones, where you guys would be soo tired but somehow still played. You would always be tripping all over the place. I wish I had a camera to take a picture of you, Mex, and Noor under my umbrella on the bleachers...so cute.
Fred, I miss you, we all miss you so much, there is something that reminds me of you everyday, sometimes I laugh but sometimes I get sad. Im sure you're the happiest man right now, watching over us, and hopefully we get to see you later.
June 5, when I saw you, the last thing we talked about was going to DJ tiesto's concert...I asked if I will see you there, and you said, "If you dont see me then, I will see you soon, I promise"
Samira Ramezan


*the picture is from the night I am talking about in this piece*

Fred, if I were to write down all the memories I have with you, they would never end...but I will try to write whatever comes to my mind every now and then...

It was near the end of October and a bunch of us were hanging out Aladdins..by the end of the night, me you Sahar Tina va and Noor were left at the table when I got a text message from some friends asking me to meet them at Babylon to give them some things they needed. So we all decided to leave, and I realized when I got into the car that I didn't know how to get to Babylon (little did I know it was 2 seconds away). So at the light, I pulled up next to you and asked you how to get there and you told me to follow you...and I was like noooo Fred just tell me how to get there, but you refused to listen and drove away telling me to follow you...so even though you had work the next morning and it was already really late and you could have just told me how to get there, you went out of your way to show me personally...so me sahar and tina were so amazed in the car and you finally got us to Babylon ( I was so embarassed once I realized how close it was). When we got there, my friends were not there, but I thanked you and asked you to leave...but nope...you said you weren't going to budge until they got there (even though we were three people in my car) and you reclined your seat and pretended to relax...so I got out of the car and went and sat with you until they arrived...and I remember how nervous I was and I just kept on telling thank you and you were just liked stop thanking me...this is my duty...and you turned up the music (it was J-Holiday Bed) and told me to just enjoy the moment...Fred I have never enjoyed a simple moment so much...so then my friends came and left....and you still stayed even after they came so that you can direct us home even though I knew the way...Tina, Sahar, and I were absolutely flabbergasted at the kindness you showed...and this was just one of the countless times you stopped my breath...thank you for being the most perfect example of amazing I have ever known and thank you for showing me how much kindness and respect a human being can acquire and thank you for teaching me to love beyond my imagination...I thank you again today as I did that night in you car...I dont think I can thank you enough <3

Moska Amarkhel

Everytime I visit this page I still can't believe that you are gone. You were such a wonderful person Fred and it's not fair that your not here with us anymore. I was actually just thinking about this one time we were at Ferrouz and I had stepped outside for a second to talk on the phone and this creepy guy came up to me and was trying to talk to me. I remember coming back in and telling only you, that this creepy guy was bothering me and when he came back in you put your arm around me and grilled him and said don't worry if he tries to look at you I will take care of him. That whole night you made sure he didn't bother me. You were always looking out for everyone and that night you definietly looked out for me. I am so lucky to have memories of you.....I miss you so much!

Sahar S.
So the other night, a few of us got together...and Mex, Moska, and myself were sitting there remembering our amaaaazing ski trip... And how much fun we all had every single second of the trip. We remembered how the speedometer was broken so even at a sotp sign it said we were going 140 mph, how it was muharam so we were listening to the Emam Hosein CD you made.. And then when we got there how you guys sweet talked the lady into giving us that amazing place for such a low price. But most importantly how when it was dinner time EVERYONE was doing something; Samira, Moska, and I were cleaning, Mex, Hash, Bash, even NOOR were attempting to cook us up a nice meal, but King Fred haha just chilling watching t.v. and not one of us said ANYTHING lol cause you were "Uncle" and Uncle NEVERRR had to lift a finger lol! Even when were were getting our food, I remember Hash got your food and drink for you AND cleaned up after you lol! And Samira and I were secretly joking around how you shouldn't get used to that, or that Samira should start learning to clean up after everyone! And then You sleeping against the fireplace thinkiing you had the BEST spot, then the next morning waking up with a horrible neck ache haha. Then we all get ready to go skiing and we all SUCKED but SOMEHOW you were a pro by like your 2nd or 3rd round so you guys decide to be PSYCHO and go on the high hill...

You were always such a dare devil lol!
Anyways, the three of us sat there reminiscing for while, and every memory of you just made us laugh our heads off.. You truly are still alive in our hearts and with our memories<3 We love you Fred and you will forever remain alive in our hearts

Thank you for such amazzinggggg  memories that we will carry with us forever
Sahar Bashir

Unfortunately I didn't get to know Fred as well as I realize I should have.  Fred was a neighbor of mine back in the day and his sisters are good friends.  I can't say that I have too many memories of him but I know that the one memory I do have makes a great display of his unselfishness. 


We were in highschool, my senior year, he was in 7/8th grade.  A few of us girls were getting together to practice for the upcoming international fashion show and were getting a ride from Zoey.  Fred needed a ride also but there was no room for him so we asked him to go in the trunk.  Without hesitation, without a second thought, he climbed in the trunk of the car in front of numerous fellow classmates.  Every now and then we would shout out "Fred! U ok???" and he'd just shout back "Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry!"  


He definitely left his mark on this world and changed many lives with the tragedy of his death!

Total Memories: 58
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