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Life story
May 8, 1985
Born in on May 8, 1985.

Farid Abbasi was murdered by a gunshot on June 7th, 2008. That is a date that has been etched in the memory of his loved ones, a date that changed the lives of many, and a date that will never be forgotten.


            What is remembered most about Farid is his contagious smile, a radiant glow of light that would not only brighten a room, but brightened up your world. His mannerisms were far greater than that of a 23 year-old young man. Whether you were a stranger or a close friend, Farid showed the same care and utmost respect to everyone who crossed his path. The love he gave others was entwined with respect and embedded with the pride for his culture and religion, and that was evident in Farid’s every action.


The last 23 years of Farid’s life were the best for those whose paths he crossed. He taught them how to love life, Allah, and family to such an extent that cannot be measured in words. It is no wonder his Myspace quote says: “Welcome to the Good Life.”  Farid put this quote up on his page a few months prior to when his life was taken away. Ironically, he must have known that pretty soon, Allah would be the one to welcome Farid to the good life, a life of eternal bliss all of us aspire to attain.


Farid will be forever remembered by his loved ones. He never hesitated to give a helping hand to anyone who needed it, always giving to the homeless and donating to charity. Farid’s love for Islam was also immeasurable. He once even took a prayer rug from the floor of someone’s house because he could not bare the fact that people were stepping on it. Only 23 years old, Farid was unique for his age. The youngest child in his family, he still supported many of his siblings, including a sister he has in Afghanistan. Farid’s family meant the world to him. The love he had for his mother is rare, and the respect he demonstrated towards his eldest brother, Qasim, is unusual to see in such a young man who was raised in today’s society. These are only some of the reasons that Farid will be impossible to forget and his love will continue on long after his death.


            When Farid passed away, his eyes were closed, but his heart was open. He now lives within each of his loved ones’ hearts as their very own guardian angel.

Not a second goes by that they do not think of him, and not a heartbeat passes that they  do not ache for Farid. Now that Farid is gone, he has taught everyone to savor each breath and to love unconditionally all those around them. Farid has affected an entire community of people and others from all around the world in a positive way. His loved ones and those who didn’t even know him continue to say how they have changed for the better. Even after his death, Farid has been such a valuable teacher. Most importantly, Farid has taught everyone how to have faith, for it carries you through the day, over the toughest obstacles, and guides your life.


            Farid’s sister, Sharifa Abbasi, age 25, describes the loss of her dear brother: “I will always remember Farid for his contagious smile, his immense heart, and his everlasting touch. Whether you were his mom, his sister, his brother, his significant other, or his friend, Farid had the ability to make you feel like you were the most special person in the world. I dream about Farid every single night, and the constant message conveyed in each of them is Farid reassuring me that he is here, and will always be here, watching over us as our angel.”


            With Farid’s death, there was a compilation of pain for his loved ones. The pain of losing someone you loved, the pain of unaccomplished goals and desires he will never reach, the pain of knowing that he had no one by his side during his last seconds, and the pain of living the rest of one’s life with its numerous important events without Farid being there physically.


            One of Farid’s elder sisters, Zobaida ("Zoey") Abbasi, explains what she has learned after Farid’s death: "Farid's death not only affected family members and friends, but over thousands of others who didn't even know him. My perspective on this situation is that no matter what age, race, gender, or nationality someone is, death is inevitable. As the youngest and one of the most favorite and loving members of our household, I feel that Farid was purposely picked to prove God's existence and increase our faith. Our age group fails to meet the proper religious requirements bestowed upon us, and I am blessed to know that my brother's death has brought everyone, including strangers, closer to God. I personally want to share with everyone that this experience has changed me for the better, and I hope it changes whoever is reading this in the same manner as well. I also want to thank everyone who attended Farid's services from the bottom of my heart, and I pray that Allah looks over each and every one of you."


After every rain, there is a rainbow, a rainbow that was literally shown above Farid’s grave while his loved ones gathered a month after his passing. That rainbow will be the realization of joys that come after each pain. The joy of knowing that Farid lived a completely fulfilled life for the years he was alive, the joy that Farid left this world with hope in his eyes for his future endeavors, the joy of knowing that those who die young are the more fortunate ones who God chooses to save from this cruel world, the joy of knowing that Farid will indeed be there in spirit everywhere, and finally the joy that Farid will no longer suffer nor see suffering from his eyes, now living a life of perfection he always deserved to have.


June 7, 2008
Passed away on June 7, 2008.