Nabeel Sheikh |
Sahar S. |
Samira Ramezan |
I remember my life before Fred passed away. My friends used to tell me I was living it through rose-colored glasses. I never noticed. Now, I do. The leaves on the trees don’t look as green as they used to, and the air outside isn’t as exciting to breathe in. The sun doesn’t even seem to shine the same way. I used to love driving and listening to music, with the wind blowing my hair…now driving is just a burden to take me from one destination to the next. My smile used to never leave my lips, and now…I feel like I am faking it half the time. I used to look forward to seeing Fred everywhere I went…it could have been
I cant even describe how difficult it is to have your entire life set with someone down to the very last detail, and have it all turn to dust in a minute…however, I know that these words are not right and that as a believer in God and the fact that He never makes mistakes, then I must trust his decision in taking Fred away. Yes, I remind myself this every day but you just can't help the feelings that come in the way.
I am sorry Fred that I wasn’t there when you needed me most, that I wasn’t there holding your hand and wiping the blood from your knuckles, that I wasn’t there to give you a soothing kiss on your neck as the gun was held behind your head, and lie to you, telling you everything would be alright... I am sorry that I didn’t know you were home, so that I wasn’t able to let your family know where you were, because maybe if I did, then we would have gotten to you in time. I am sorry that your life ended so shortly, and you never got the chance to be 24, 25, 26, 87, 93….the chance to be a loving husband and caring father.
I am not sure how long my lifeline is…but I keep on asking myself Fred, if I live to be 87, will I still remember your every detail. I remember sitting there staring at you for hours, making sure I knew everything about you, internally and externally. For months, I couldn’t look at you straight in the eye. It was hilarious…but then I started to get the courage, and once I did, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. Do you remember that time at KD…when we were sitting beside each other as hash and noor went on the sky dive thingie…you sat there with my hand in yours and after looking at them for a good 10 minutes, you started to compare them…saying how green your skin color was…and I did the same thing…I took your hands and looked at your every detail…from the color of your skin to the shape of your fingers to the cracks on your palm…and then I looked at that line in the middle of your palm…the one that is supposed to fortell your lifeline..and it was so long…and I told you Fred…I said, “Fred you are going to live a long life.” And you said, “Okaaaaaay, good.”
A memory that sticks out the MOST for me is a recent one probably in the beginning of May and I was sitting in the passenger seat of your car...we hadn't seen each other in 3 days and you said that you missed me, and I replied with I missed you too. Then you put your hand to my lips, and shook your head and said,“don’t say that”… and I was like why not and you replied with… “Because I should always be there” ....
Fred Abbasi, I know you will always be here, if not physically then spiritually and I will keep you close to me in my every step in life...I know you are seeing how you have changed everyone for the better...only someone as amazing as you could do wonder my nickname for you was Mr. Amazing...
I love you Fred, and always will, and I thank you for all you ever did for me and continue to do for me...may you rest in peace, until we meet again