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Sahar S

May 2nd 2008: A  year ago today Samira and I were decorating and gathering all your friend's for your first and only surprise birthday party. The month that lead up to this day were so stressful, but it all became so worth it to see that beautiful smile on your face...


The best part of the night was when you walked in and did your rounds of hellos you and samira randomly met at the dancefloor and the dj coincidentally put Bass on, which just happened to be your song for Samira! We all looked at each other trying to figure out who told the dj, when we realized it was just fate...



Happy Birthday Party day Fred...Miss you beyond words <3 <3 <3

Sahar S
March 23rd 2007: Two days before Samira's birthday everyone gets together at MK, Hash and I make a quick run to Safeway and get her a cake. When we surprise her with it Hash and I decide to tell her it's from Fred..She was ecstatic. On our way home Fred texts me that he loves us for what we were trying to do but he cant lie to Samira...He then asks me for my help on what to get her for her birthday...

One year ago Today
March 24th 2007: Fred asks me to meet him at Tysons Corner Mall to get Samira's birthday present..We plan on meeting after Fred gets off work, which was supposed to be about 830, he ends up running really late and doesn't get to the mall till about 9:15 pm...I was a little annoyed at first but as soon as I met up with him he had bought me these little cookies as a peace offering.. Well lucky for him Samira and I were psycho little girls and had already picked out the dress he'd buy the night before lol, and i had taken picture of shoes and picture messaged it to Samira and gotten her approval lol! but of course not enough for mister fred. he continued to get bracelets, earrings, and a purse. even though i explained to him that Samira isnt that cute clutch kinda girl buttt he wanted to get the whollleee outfit! After buying the things at the malll, we go the closest grocery store to buy her a cake, because i was going to Samira's house after to be with her at midnight, so Fred planned for me to sneak outside, put the cake in front of her house and at midnight he would text her to go outside, and there would be the cake... Since it was pretty late the peolple that write on the cakes were gone so Fred, of course, became like best friends with the people at Giant and he decorates the cake himself...it was the most hideous thing ever lol but we both knew that Samira would love it regardless because it was from him... so we separated I took the came and as planned, i snuck outside a few minutes before midnight lit the candles and put the cake in front of Samira's house... I had let all the other girls into the secret so we all had our cameras ready lol! So Fred texts Samira at midnight to go outside, so of course we all follow, and Samira was hypervenalating freaking out, and realized that Fred could perhaps be around the corner lol so she calmly picked up the cake and went back inside then i told her about the whole thing and she called Fred and thanked him...

My now saddest memory of this day, is that you were wearing your beautiful gray suit..I can still picture you walking towards me from the downstairs Nordstroms cafe in that gray suit with your perfectly mohawked hair..

March 25th, 2007: Samira's  birthday...you made her dreams come true Fred... She rambled and raved for days about how much fun she had had, and how perfect her birthday was...You were a true romancer and perfect gentleman

I love you Fred. You were an amazing person, and I was blessed to know you for as long as I did...Not a minute goes by that I dont remember you..and it breaks my heart...
Sepideh A.
Sadly I did not get the chance to really know Fred but one encounter was enough to realize what a great person he was.  One encounter I had that always makes me smile was a movie night we all went to. I remember at how impressed I was with his manners and what a respectful person he was. Each minute I grew to like him even more! As everyone says he had a smile that would make a room light up! After the movie we went to MK to play cards and I member how he was on my side even though he didn't even know me that much.  He was such a fun guy with a great personality. I wish I had time to hang out with the crew more and to know him better, but I am glad I at least got to meet him. I know he is in a better place and he is smiling down at us. He is so lucky.....we should be sad about ourselves....he is in such an amazing place! May his soul rest in peace and he will never be forgotten.  I also have to thank him for making my best friend one of the happiest girls ever!  His kindness and actions were ones of a person with a big heart and soul full of pleasantness!  I can't believe its been over half a year...time goes by so fast. But Farid is a person who will NEVER be forgotten and will be remembered for all the good he had.  God had better plans for him and inshallah we will reunite with him one day soon.  Whenever I think of him I always send a little prayer and smile at the small memories I have of him.  May you always rest in peace! 
farishta abbasi

SORRY I SENT THE OTHER MEMORY, IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE. THIS IS THE FINAL ONE!!  Mann, I can not believe you already went to another world, although it is the better world you are truly missed.  WHY YOU? That is what God knows. Since you have been away you have taught me and many people around the world a valuable lesson about life, friendship, family and much more.  You also had touched many people if they knew you or not.  We still have not found out who did this or why but what if it is on a stupid reason, like I was reading comments on “ Live In the Sky” and someone wrote that their brother had died because of $20. The world is crazy now a day.  The most thing I remember about you and others probably have, too, is your DANCE. You would stick out your tongue and get down on your knees really low, which was so unique about your dance and that would always make my day. If I were a judge I would give you a perfect score. I remember at KC's wedding (I think) you were trying to dance with someone but someone already took your spot so you were clapping then you just sat down to cover up. Ha those were the good times. But months before this incident, you asked my brother Idrees to make a CD like Lil Wayne’s “The Carter 3”.He never did until after the incident, and explained how you liked Lil Wayne so much just like him. While I was listening to the remix of Bye Bye, Lil Wayne reminded of you a lot in that song when he rapped about his dad passing and why the good die young. That is what goes through my mind each day, thinking of you and Haji Agha. This is my favorite picture of you.

farishta abbasi
MAN  I can not believe it !! my youngest uncle is already in an another world not with us. But is in the better one. Why YOU? But that is what god knows. But since you have left i know you taught me a valuable lesson just like many others. We still have not found out who had done this and but for what reason but I think it will be on a stupid reason, like i was reading comment on a song on death and this one girl wrote that her brother had died just because of $20. The world is crazy now a days. Your DANCE, where can I start I would definitely giv you 100 out of 10 it was amazing! You would always stick your tounge out that is what was so unique from your dance and how low you would get. I remember at KC's wedding (I think) you were trying to dance with someone but someone already took your spot so you were clapping then you just sat down to cover up. ha that was the good times. But before your situation you had asked my brother Idris to make a CD for you with lil wayne's song
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