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The day I meet Fred was the day I was introduced to the Abbassi family. I was very young but the team/family welcomed me with open arms. We played soccer together, we ate together and we partied together. 

Fred left a lasting impression on me in which will never be forgotten. From sneaking out of the hotels in Jersey and Cali to do out thang to tearing it up on the soccer field, I never could perdict what was to come but I always knew that no matter what the mood or atmosphere Fred would be smiling. Being the same age allowed us to better understand each other in addition to knowing what to expect from each other. As time progressed the time we spent together was fewer and more dymanic. Even though I can honestly say Fred was light years ahead of me in terms of maturity and attitude, he still had the patience and respect for me that would be expected from a family member in which he truely was. People of Fred's caliber are increasingly difficult to find and his spirit will never be matched.


His family had the biggest place in his heart and his friends where not to far behind. He lived life the way he conducted business. Love your family, control what you can and let Allah decide the rest.  He was a mentor at the age 16 when I met him and his status never faltered nor faded. I will never forget you and your legacy is well observed and maintained by your loving family and friends.


I will see you when I get there one day.


Stay up bro.

Just wanted to make sure you know i never forget about you, your always on my mind and in my prayers..Love you always and forever, because forever does exist<3
We never met, when I was playing soccer with Afghan United, you were too young, we weren’t letting young kids to play with us. I was a horrible soccer player myself, sometimes big boys kicked me out too, I used to join you guys and play on the sideline or behind the goalposts, but we still never met. Now, everyday when I go to work in the morning I look at you from the left window of my car, and when I come home from the right window. It makes me think how unforeseen this life is. I am writing this as you are here since I know you read this as I am typing. One more thing, you should be proud of your family and friends, they are very strong people. Although I am holding second grade proficiency in poetry, I tried to write something. Please forgive me if there is any mistake, it wasn't intentional. Grown Man Do Cry Wednesday, May 8 1985, Morning Twilight, a few clouds in the horizon, Some sleeping some awoke, Mother said Oh, my water is about to broke, The husband knew it was the time, asked if everything was all right She said you better take me to the ER or I will take a flight The husband said ok, ok smiled and soon they were on their way to the hospital Hospital, the smell of windex, the annoying intercome Dr. Alpha Dr Beta we have a new mom Delivery! No, no not from the UPS Reported to duty under a big light, the doctors and the nurses Someone screamed it’s a boy it’s a boy They wrapped the little man and took him to the side The mother was anxious, asking herself - how is he, is he ok when can I see him? Father is ecstatic, very, very, very happy laughing with a pride Thinking of his son, he cannot hide the big smile A drop of tear on his check he wiped it away and said no, no grown man don’t cry Mother is still aching, father cannot stop gazing but in their heart, they have a talk A silent conversation, quietly with God Finally, he stopped crying so mom and dad can get on with their conversation Thank you God oh thank you, thank you so much for your gift for our son We pray for his health, we pray for his life, you are his guardian Oh God we are only minutes into his life, but we hope for the best We want to raise him with your blessing, send to him to college, and see his kids Mother, Father and their son came home. Mother is tired but father is not tired at all, still smiling The balloons, silly teddy bears, phones started ringing, mubak mubark Relatives and friends arrived back to back Everyone was happy everyone had something to say Everyone was laughing, everyone was joking, they were passing tea and Nokol in a try Growing up in suburb life was very normal Growing up, the suburb life was very calm Friends and soccer, school and Emtehan (exam in farsi) Physics and chemistry math and biology His entire Spanish on his arm Putting on his cleats every evening at the South Run Boys were screaming Oo Bacha Goalaa Bezan Oo Bacha Goalaa Bezan Soon the young man turned into a very handsome guy Bought his first suit, put on his first tie Classy and trendy he knew how to mesh it White shirt and creamy vest, the three piece with a style Life got busy and fast but he got it by its horn Still a baby for his mom the handsome guy was adorn He seemed like he was on mission, he was running a race He was in a big hurry so the time cannot keep up pace The suburb life was very normal but he was in a hurry Non other than him knew what he knew, so he hurried He hurried To touch so many hearts To bring so many smiles To make so many friends To love so many and be loved by so many And he hurried to be missed, - greatly by so many فر ید بعد فا صله ر ا می د ا نست ا و میبا یست ر ا ه طو لا نی ر ا د ر مد ت کو تا هی طی کند ا و طلا ش می و ر ز ید تا همه خو بی‌ها ی ذ ا تی ا شر ا تکمیل کند جی د ر یا فتن د و ست , و رز ش , قر ا ر د ا د ن هد ف و ر ا نیک ا و به ز ما نه میگفت د ستم بگیر د ستم بگیر که فا صله ا م طو لا نی ا ست گر جه شا د م و جو ا نم ا ما قلب دشمن ز محبت تهی ا ست ا و ر ا ق ز ما ن ر ا و ر ق ز نم و د ر پی د و ست ر و م ا و ر ا ق ز ما ن ر ا و ر ق ز نم و د ر پی د و ست ر و م د ر سر ا ی حقیقی بستر ا فگنم که ا ین سر ا خا لیست Saturday June 7 2008, the suburb life was evilly disrupted The evening twilight, it was warm and muggy Some awake some asleep but mother had a worry The anxious father - cannot stop thinking He wanted to see his son, so he can hug him and be happy Suburb life was not normal anymore Hospital, the smell of windex, the annoying intercom Dr Alpha Dr Beta who can explain this to his mom? The news came like a bombshell; phones started ringing This time no one saying Mubarak Mubarak Relatives, family and friends arrived back to back Dr Alpha Dr Beta who can explain this to his mom Some were crying while others were reading the Holly Quran The hot weather, the swarming highways, 66, and 495 Farid you left us too early, long before the age of 25 Our houses are cold, the roads are deserted, the cloudy sky What happened to that contagious smile? The spiked hair, the trendy vest, and the cute tie Boys are still screaming at the South Run Oo Bacha Goalaa bezan Oo Bacha Goala bezan But fields re so empty without you Funeral is over, the crowed slowly, slowly disappearing Mother is still aching; father has a framed picture that he cannot stop gazing But in their heart they have a talk A silent conversation, quietly with God A drop of tear in his cheek, followed by another one Coming down from his face, falling on the ground Standing alone under the dark sky The father said Oh grown man do cry Grown man do cry

I refereed the ASL for a few years, and what I remember about Farid/Fred is that he was a good kid, played hard and was always respectful.


I am sad to find out that he was killed. 


My respects to his family and friends.  He had a good spirit.



Samira Ramezan
There is so much I want to say but I dont even know how to do it right now but I wanted to say happy birthday and more is to come...hope you are enjoying your birthday with your loved ones who you couldn't celebrate with for so many years <3 we all miss u here
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