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I can't believe it's about to be a year, and sadly your birthday is coming up in like four minutes and your not here to celebrate it with us.
I wish I was able to come last year, and I'm really sorry I couldn't.
But I'll never forget your comment you left me about your "eyes searching for me the whole night"
ha that was a good one!
But I know this year you'll be with all of us... :)
I miss you so much
I wanted to wish you a happy birthday, I know your not physically with us but your always here in spirit.

Love you <3
WOW! 11 months went by so quick! I cant believe it! Today Afghan united has a game and I just remembered how last year around this time was wen most people saw you and you were yelled out for coming late and we all still talk about that date since it brings so many memories back. Today has been 11 months since we have seen our dear uncle and tomorrow is his birthday! Thinking of it he wasn't even 23 for a whole month because someone decided to take his life away. Still we cant forgot all the memories we had with you and i know today afghan united will dedicate their game towards you. Happy EARLY birthday have fun with all the loved ones! RIP SUPERSTAR
11 months already!?!? its crazy how fast it went by..I remember the last time I saw you was exactly a year ago..We all went to South Run for United's soccer game..and you just pulled into the parking lot with your NEON GREEN BMW..and Esmat saw you coming in late..he went upto you and started yelling but you simply smiled  at him and ran to the field..(I still smile when i think about the fact that although he was your nephew and he would constantly yell at you for coming to soccer late..you still showed him the same respect as you would show anyone else)..Finally the game had finished and you were walking towards the bleachers to watch the next game.. Surraya and I were sitting on the bench and you passed by and said "Hi.." I remember ever little detail from that night..the way you walked towards us your "swagger"..the way you talked..the sound of ur voice..and most importantly your precious smile..I love you and miss your terribly. Happy early birthday my dear Uncle Fred..
Sahar S

So as the days go by I remember more details of that night...and someone requested that I give more details of the night of Fred's birthday party...


Samira and I were trying to think of what we wanted to do for Fred's birthday...and since Samira and I had both coordinated parties in the past, and Fred had mentioned he had never had a birthday party before we decided there was no question about it. We would throw Fred his first and sadly his only birthday party.

So we found the location, made a guestlist, and little by little the pieces came together.

May 2nd 2008, Samira and I requested to get off work early so that we could decorate, and buy the food for the party. So Samira had gone ahead and bought all the food and I went ahead to the party room to decorate with the help of Zohal. We had met up Samira earlier and gotten all the food so that she could get her hair done, and get ready since of course this was a huge night for her as well. So we got the food, and of course we can’t forget the specially made cake we ordered two weeks prior with our favorite picture of Fred on it. He was wearing a red shirt pointing at the camera with a handsome smirk on his face. So Zohal and I began to set up for the party, and before we knew it it was time for people to starting arriving. So we scrambled to the bathroom to get ready, as the dj and a few others arrived. The party was set to start at about 830-9 pm but of course us middle eastern people everyone came beyond late. We were keeping in contact with Hash because we had told Fred that the four of us (Samira, Hash, Fred, and myself) were going to be attending our friend Ashley’s birthday. Hash had to hold off for about an hour and a half, because not everyone was there yet. Samira and I became very frustrated, slowly people started arriving. Hash had been keep Fred at some restaurant down the street so we texted him to come on over. Noor, Mex, Bashir, and a few others decided to hide in the closet next to the door that Fred would be entering in. We all anxiously waited, everyone hiding in their own corners with their noise makers in hand ready to yell and scream and cheer when he walked in. As soon as Fred walked in everyone jumped out of the closet and the corners of the room and screamed SURPRISE! Fred was beyond surprised he was so shocked that he kept backing further and further away from everyone. Lovely polite little Fred walked around and said hello to every single person in the room and thanked them for coming and being there for him. As soon as he was done, the last person he was to say hello to was Samira, they said their hello’s and went straight to the dance floor. We all watched and to our surprise “Bass” came on, and again we all looked at each other in shock as we realized that none of us had requested that song…it was just perfect. We danced the night away, surprised him with his cake, and just had the time of our lives…


We love you Fred. We were all there for you, and I’m sure I can speak for all of us when I say that not a day goes by that we don’t think of you and wish more than anything that you were here. We love you…RIP

Tina Murryland
I cant believe it was a year ago yesterday that we were celebrating your bday. I remember I just started working at my company and i was supposed to go to the company dinner. i was running so late, but knew i had to make it to your bday before you got there for the suprise. I rushed home and the whole time i was calling and texting Samira to make sure you werent there yet. I finally got to your bday and remember how nervous Sam was about you walking in and if you would love it and if there was enough people.

After about a hour, you walked in with the guys and was sooo suprised and you looked amazing like always and was so thankful towards everyone especially Sam. The dancing was amazing and the best 2 parts of the evening was when you and Sam danced alone in front of everyone and Sam was so nervous and begged us to come dance and we wouldnt dare break you two up. We just stood there all smiling watching.

The other great part was when all you guys were dancing together and so happy. It was an amazing night and I wish we couldve all celebrated many more bdays together.
Thank you for the talk at the end of the night at your bday party. I will always remember your advice and promise to keep the promise that we both made that night :)

I am so sorry i will not be here for your bday, but i will come visit you before i leave.

Miss you and love you and i cannot wait for all of us to be partying together again.

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