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HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is still so unbelievable, it hurts everytime I think of that summer night 2 years ago.. Although i know your in a good place, I still don't understand why this happend to you..better yet anyone in my family..i guess its reality... I moved closer to the cemetery but I haven't visited your site in such a long time..ill be there in the morning bakhair... lol the commercials for the nightmare on elm street keeps coming on and it reminds me of you cuz remember when you would always scare me by saying your real name is Freddy Kooger..aha lol i miss you..love you so much<3

Sallam uncle FRED!!!! i love you and miss you so much! we all do! the whole family! we have not forgotten about you! never will.  Forever our shinning star! <333333333333333333333
Idrees Abbasi
I still haven't come to the realization of Fred not being here. I get so excited each night when I go to sleep and dream of him. But then it hurts when I wake up and know he's not here. Every morning when I wake up for school, I sit on my bed and hold his R.I.P shirt and just think to myself about the times me and him had. I may be able to hide it on the outside, but the pain is killing me inside. I smile each time I see his picture, knowing that all he wants is for me is to succeed in life and not be stricken by his absence. I love you so much Uncle Fred, and can't wait to be reunified with you again. <3

P.S. I can't wait for June 18th. I'm praying that when I step onto the platform to receive my diploma at Fairfax High, you'll be somewhere in the stands clapping for me.
Sharifa Abbasi
I have struggled and fought myself to stay away from this page for a very long time because I just cannot bear the pain when Im on here....This page is torture...it's a constant reminder that your REALLY gone...I don't want to believe that your gone so I spend my days tricking and fooling myself into actually believing that your not really gone...I don't know...I guess its some kind of therapy or maybe its just my way of avoiding the pain...it's easier when you can pretend it never happened. However, tonite was just one of those nights. I came home and I used our house computer after a very long time. I was too lazy to plug my laptop in so I just decided to go into the library and use our computer. While I was on the computer, I start looking though some of the files on there and coincidentally I stumbled upon a folder which was labeled "Fred". Immediately, I felt that sharp pain in my chest and I wanted to just shut down the computer and leave the room. However, I could not help but open the folder. Deep in my heart I knew it was a bad idea because I knew I was in for some heart ache. Needless to say, my instincts were true. I opened the folder, and there it was! Pictures of you that you had taken with your Iphone and had uploaded on the computer. These were pictures of yourself that YOU actually took and that YOU actually uploaded on our computer. Oh my god...it's sooo painful. I wanted to die...it hurt so bad. I never imagined I would I have to endure something so painful. I just don't understand. Why did people tell me it would get easier? IT NEVER GETS EASIER. Why do I miss you so much? Why would I give anything just to hold you once more....your my brother...why is all this tooo much to ask for? Ever since you have left I have witnessed so much evil, greed, corruption and betrayal in this world. Kind of sad but sometimes I get jealous that you don't have to live with this stuff anymore. Yet still...I would experience any of these things a million times if it means I could have you back. My heart broke in half when you left me but yet even that wasn't enough. I guess God really wants it to break into peices. but what the hell...If losing you didn't kill me then these other things sure as hell aren't. I have lost faith in everything and everyone. My sole purpose in life is to do good so that one day I can achieve my ultimate goal....to be reunited with you in heaven.
Tina Murryland
Just dropping by to say that you still are always in our hearts. Even though so much has changed since that awful summer, one thing none of us will ever forget is all our memories.

Last night i had a dream, and even though i can't recall much of it, i remember you being in it. We miss you so much Fred and may you continue to be all of our guardian angel. Love you sir!
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