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Zahra Abbasi
Where do I begin? A minute doesn’t go by that I don’t think about you. When I think about you and everything that happened, I always think about your mom, sisters, brothers, nephews and Samira. How much harder it must be for them? They actually were lucky enough knew you, spend time with you.   I may never have been close to you, but you were still my family. You were my uncle, and still are my uncle. Nothings going to change that. Every time I met new people, they would ask me about my family. I always mentioned how many aunts and uncles I have mash Allah. I constantly told them about how my youngest uncle is my age. Now how do I answer that?
Every day new memories come to me about you. I remember Sameera and Diana teasing you and I about getting married when we grew up. Even though we both knew it would be a sin, since we are uncle and niece, it would still get us fuming mad. Another memory that I remember is when you were growing up. I remember laughing with Sameera and them about you because when you were “maturing” it was very obvious because your voice was changing so much and it was sooooo squeaky. We were always amused by how apparent that was. The other night I was going to sleep and I remembered how Diana, Sameera and I would sing “Lonely, oh mister lonely” to you. That was the only line we knew of that song and we always repeated that one line to you. I have no idea why we sang it every time we saw you. I also realized that out you five (you know who you are), you were the only one I laughed and felt comfortable enough to tease. I realized it was because I felt safe and comfortable around you.
Every time we go to visit your grave, I always look at the other tombstones and notice everyone’s date of birth. I find myself thinking how old these people were. How it’s not fair that you didn’t get to live that long. When we went to the masjid for your 40th, I found myself think that this shouldn’t be the reason we gather for you. We were supposed to celebrate your engagement. We were supposed to celebrate for you, not weep for you. These past few months have been a test for all of us. I’ve learned to not question Allah swt. Everything that transpires happens for a reason. We have to trust that he knows what he’s doing.
Love you kaka Farid, you are literally in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Hope your having fun up there. Remember to watch over everyone. Ina Lillah wa Ina Elayhe Rajouun

I didn't have a lot of memories with Fred, but the ones I had were unforgetable. The funniest memory was a time that a few of us went to the movies. After the movie, everyone went to use the restroom and Fred and I stood in the lobby waiting. It was the most uncomfortable time of our lives....lol. It was only 2 minutes but it felt like 20. We both didn't know what to say to each other nor could we converse for some reason. That night I told Samira how embarassed I was and she later told me that he said the same thing. It was hilarious because I confronted him later and we both laughed forever.

Great guy. Forever missed.

Tina Murrryland

It has been more than two months and time still has not taken away the pain and tears. Yes, we cry less now and smile more because we are finding more things to keep our minds busy and try to not think about the night that many hearts were broken. But, when a song comes on the radio, even seeing someone wearing Christian Audigier, hearing "Okaaaay", and the worst still waking up in the mornings especially after having dreams about you and realizing that it wasnt a nightmare and it is all true, its hard to not want to scream and cry......but i know the fun and loving person you were, and you would never want us to cry and mourn.  So i apologize if sometimes i still cry and ask god why he had to take away such a great man that so many people loved.


It is crazy for someone like me who knew Fred for only less than a year and would see him only on the weekends to still be mourning and still crying, but it just shows you how great of a guy he truly was. A true gentleman in every aspect.


Some of the memories that i do have were:


Every time Samira, the girls, and I would be going out, my first question was are the Abbasi boys coming, because i knew it didnt matter where we went, as long as those guys were there, we all would have an amazing time and we always did.


One of the greatest times was at ATB, I remember at that time Samira and Fred were still shy to dance with eachother, so Fred kept dancing with me and i loved his dancing, but i knew he really wanted to dance with Samira, so whenever Fred would look down i would look at Samira and whisper COME DANCE WITH HIM.......but i made sure he never saw ;)


Another time was at Chroma, we all were dancing and Samira and Fred were standing up against the wall.....we all started dancing and next thing i know Hash and Sahar are pulling me downstairs leaving Samira and Fred to dance alone.....i had no idea what Hash was trying to do until we got downstairs and realized that Samira and Fred were dancing alone. We ALL were so happy that they finally were dancing together.


My favorite memory will always be your birthday.  When you and Samira were dancing by yourselves and both of you had the biggest smiles on your faces.  I remember standing next to the girls and we all were dying inside of happiness.  We knew how nervous both of you were but you both shined and made everyone in the room want to watch.  I will never forget watching and a few tears rolled down my cheeks from being so happy for them.  I would give anything right now to have those happy tears again.  


I have so many dancing memories of him. I LOVED his dancing and everytime Soulja Boy would come on or low ridah he knew i loved dancing to those and he would immediatley look at me and show that amazing smile of his and say OKAYYYYYYYY.


Another one of my fav memories was during the semifinals and superbowl.  I had a valet incident a couple weeks before that and everyone had heard the story of what happened.  We all were at Samira's house watching the games and i looked at Fred at was about to tell him about the valet story and everyone was like "omg this is the 5th time we are hearing this" and someone turned to Fred and said "yo, u already heard this" He turned to me and was like "i didnt hear it right the first time and said he wanted me to tell him again" No matter who it was or how close he was to the person, Fred made that person feel special. He truly was an angel on earth and now in Heaven.


There are so many more memories, but i will save them for another day.  Fred, you knew that i was never the religious person. I dont know if you ever knew that i never believed in Heaven or hell or any sort of afterlife. I would always tell people i dont believe it until i get there. But as soon as you passed, that week i started to feel your presence and there are times that i drive to work early in the morning and i see how bright the sun is shining and i will automatically start talking to you.  I now recieved the assurance that there is a Heaven and afterlife because i know you are there and we all have seen the signs that you still are with us. I love you Fred and miss you all the time.  Funny how before, i would think about you when talking to Samira or when we were about to chill, but now i think about you if not a thousand, a million times a day.  I know you are showing everyone in heaven how to do the party like a rockstar dance, i just wish i was there to see it too......

laureine ghaleb
I have so many memories with fred, I am blessed to have known him for 5 amazing years that have truly shaped into who I am today. Writing all the memories I had with him would fill up this page so everytime a new one comes to mind ill def post it up here. Before I even met fred face to face, I talked to him on the fone and he said YOU KNOW, I'm 300 POUNDS WITH YELLOW TEETH, MY HAIR IS FALLING OUT AND MY NOSE IS CROOKED LIKE ITS NO ONES BUSINESS. U STILL WANA KNOW ME? Nd at the time in my head I'm like oh gosh what am I getting myself into?? Haha then when I was working at the restaurant in georgetown, I told him I wana finally see what this yellow teethed boy looked like! So I told him to come t the restaurant and ask for me and he wud eventually find me. So he came in and went up to me and said ARE YOU LAUREINE and I was like UM NO WHY?? (The whole time I was trying to see if he really did look like that and I jsu started laughin when I found out he lied ) then I was like YOU LIED!!!! UR TEETH ARE PERFECT!!!! And he goes WELL I DIDN'T REALLY LIE IF U LOOK CLOSER YOU'LL SEE THE NOSE I WAS TALKIN ABOUT. Haha we would always make fun of how when he broke his nose he didn't do anythin about it and that's why it looked like that and I wud always tell him ITS GANGSTER DON'T U WORRY. One day he even told me that there is this random DOT on his lip, a beauty mark I guess, that he always felt weirded out with, so one day I took a permannent marker and just drew a HUGE dot on my upper lip and when we met up he saw it and he started cracking up and he's like "u sure ur willing to look like a freak with me today" and I remember laughing for HOURSSSSS about it.. We always swore that we would be friends forever no matter what, and MOST importantly we would invite each other to our weddings and important dates and such... I always told him if he doesn't invite me to his wedding I'm gona crash it lol I had amazing times with fred, he shaped my life, my style, my music preference, my relationship with family, my relationship with boyfriends.. Whenever I needed him he was there at any time of the day.. So many more memories... I knew him since he was 18 years old, he grew up so much ovrr the years but never failed to enjoy life like any kid would. I admired that about him... FRED IF YOU ONLY KNEW HOW YOU HAVE CHANGED MY LIFE FRM THE MOMENT I MET YOU UNTIL THE MOMENT I LOST YOU :( THE MEMORIES I SHARED WITH YOU ARE ENGRAVED IN MY HEART FOR ETERNITY. I HOPE U DON'T THINK I'm CRAZY FOR STILL TALKING TO YOU EVERY DAY, AND THAT WILL NEVER STOP. NOT A DAY GOES BY THAT I DON'T MISS YOU AND YOUR CRAZY LAUGH... THE WAY YOU WOULD START TELLING JOKES BY LAUGHING LIKE A MANIAC FIRST :) I MISS EVERYTHING.. I KNOW YOU ARE ENJOYING HEAVEN AND I CAN ONLY PRAY THAT I CAN SEE YOU AGAIN AND HUG YOU AND NOT LET GO.. You watched me grow up and mature u were there every step of the way.. And I will forever love you for being the truly unforgettable person that you are. I love you fred, with or without the crooked nose and the dotted lip. :)
I never had the pleasure of meeting you, I didn't even know much about you, what I do know is that you put smiles on the faces of people I love and filled their hearts with warmth, and as far as I am concerned that makes you a good friend of mine. I gotta be honest I don't really get a chance to talk to them much any more but it couldn't be more clear how much they loved you, you must have been a hell of a person. They really miss you. It's always sad to see such a young person pass so early, but the truth is your age has nothing to do with it. It's how you spent every second and that time you had that determines the fulliness of living, and from what I've seen and heard you lived life by the second, and we should be proud of you and embrace the full life you lived. You just got there a little earlier, but we'll all be there some time, whenever we're prepared and ready to leave, just as you were. One last thing, please tell me Morgan Freeman isn't God hahaha. Thanks for taking care of my friends, thanks for showing them how to live life to the fullest, you have my uptmost respect, you're more free than you ever were and you may be gone physically, but your energy is more present than ever.
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