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"Death is more universal than life, everyone dies but not everyone lives." We are happy to know that Fred truly did LIVE, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the short years of life he was granted and the years we were blessed for having him with us <3


Ina Lillah wa Ina Elayhe Rajouun


 *URGENT REQUEST FROM EVERYONE: Fred Abbasi's case has not been solved yet so we kindly ask EVERYONE...if you have ANY information whatsoever, even if you do not think it is important, to PLEASE email me (sammyr25@yahoo.com) with it...I promise you this will 100% confidential, and will be directly reported soley to the detective....thank you for your cooperation in this matter *





 Do not stand at my grave and weep

I am not there; I do not sleep

I am a thousand winds that blow,

I a the diamond glints on snow,

I am the sun on ripened grain,

I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning''s hush

I am the swift uplifting rush

Of quiet birds in circilng fight

I am the soft starlight at night.

Do not stand at my grave and cry;

I am not there; I did not die.



 This is a favorite picture of the loved ones of Fred because we believe it shows his true

beauty and peacefulness...our Fred really does look like an angel here




"If tears could build a stairway and memories were a lane,
I would walk all the way to Heaven, to bring you home again
No farewell words were spoken,
no time to say good-bye
You were gone before we knew it, and
only God knows why
Our hearts ache in sadness, and secret tears will flow
What is meant to lose you, no one will ever know"



         Fred and his mother had a very dear and close relationship.

Even though it is extremely difficult for her to live the rest of her life without his presence, she has his everlasting

memories to hold on to. She always says how Fred was so good, and he truly was a perfect son.




"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge, that myth is more potent that history. I believe that dreams are more powerful than facts-- that hope always triumphs over experience-- that laughter is the only cure for grief. And I believe that love is stronger than death."

-The Crow Movie


Fred remains alive with every heartbeat, every step, every tear, and most importantly,

every smile





I'm sorry I can't be with you today
When all the family's gathered in one place.
But I am with you in another way,


A current in the stream of what you say,
Alive within your consciousness of grace.
I'm sorry I can't be with you today


To share your happiness and touch the clay
That once it was my fortune to embrace.
But I am with you in another way,


An intimate that time cannot betray,
With you always, unconstrained by space.
I'm sorry I can't be with you today


To watch with you the slanting sunlight play,
Casting lovely shadows through the lace.
But I am with you in another way,


Waiting for you where the shadows lay
Their darkness soft across your gentle face.
I'm sorry I can't be with you today.
But I am with you in another way



Fred, when I look above at the sky, I know you are the brightest star above.

You were a rockstar on Earth, and now a shining star in Heaven

















حملهء دیگر بمیرم از بشر --- تا برآرم از ملایک بال و پر

وز ملک هم بایدم جستن ز جو --- کل شییء هالک الاوجهه

بار دیگر از ملک پران شوم --- آنچه اندر وهم ناید آن شوم

پس عدم گردم عدم چو ارغنون --- گویدم کانا الیه راجعون

























No words can ease the heartbreak,
no tears or memories can take
away the loss of one who's gone,
of one you've loved since he was born.

No one can help us while bereft
from grief that one we loved has left;
has travelled from where we could see
to where his heart and soul fly free.

So when we're able to, we dwell
on all the love we knew so well;
and know that God has taken home
the one He loaned us for so long.



 This is a picture of Fred with his two elder sisters, Sharifa (left) and Zobaida (right).

They constantly talk about what an angel their brother was, and how he always treated

them with kindness and respect, a rare trait in a younger sibling. They have countless stories of how Fred was always there for them, and with the help of some wonderful dreams,

they have realized that Fred WILL always continue to be there for them and their family. He was too good for this Earth, and his spot is indeed in Heaven.
























Here Fred is with his four best friends...they went everywhere together and they were family. The family says now every time they see this group of guys, their eyes are going to

be searching for Fred...we know he is there in spirit though.






















There I am with my King....That was on March 25th, 2008...the night of my birthday where Fred surprised me countless times....Thank you Fred for giving me the best birthday of my life...it will be forever etched in my memories.

Faridullah Abbasi, not a second goes by that I do not think of you, and not a heartbeat passes that I do not ache for you. I will carry you with my every step, through all my destinations in life.




one bullet shattered an entire lifetime…an entire family….an entire dream. What is left are the broken pieces, with no broom or dust pan sturdy enough to pick them up.





































 Here is Fred with his cousins after winning the trophy for soccer. Fred loved soccer

and he played for two different teams before he passed away...Afghan United with

the Abbasi family and also on a co-ed soccer league with friends from his Lake Braddock

days. Fred played football in highschool, and was good at basketball as well. He was

not only extremely intelligent, but athletic as well...you couldn't ask for a better guy








The suit Fred was wearing the night he passed away...if only we could hold you once more Fred,we would never let go...our hands would be gripping you so tightly that our fingers would turn white and our smiles would be so wide that they would reach our ears...and our eyes would be so shocked that they would never close again...








This is exactly where Fred was murdered, on his driveway in front of his Lorton home.

He was going there after a long day at work one Saturday night, planning to take a relaxing

shower. For weeks after Fred passed away, his family and loved ones gathered at this very spot with several candlelight vigils, sharing their most precious memories with Fred...and with Fred, there was always many of them.













This was taken at one of the candlelight vigils in honor of Fred Abbasi. As shown in

this picture, there were also countless t-shirts that Fred's family and loved ones made

in honor of one of the greatest men they have ever known.
















"The world will be even more of a worse place without him here, but it will never be a terrible place because of the love he spread
while he was here."




Here is a beautiful poem dedicated to Fred from his dear nephew,

Naimat Abbasi:


When I am gone, release me, let me go.

I have so many things to see and do,

You mustn't tie yourself to me with too many tears,

But be thankful we had so many good years.

I gave you my life, and you can only guess

How much you've given me in happiness.

I thank you for the love that you have shown,

But now it is time I traveled on alone.

So grieve for me a while, if grieve you must

Then let your grief be comforted by trust

That it is only for a while that we must part,

So treasure the memories within your heart.

I won't be far away for life goes on.

And if you need me, call and I will come.

Though you can't see or touch me, I will be near

And if you listen with your heart, you'll hear

All my love around you soft and clear

And then, when you come this way alone,

I'll greet you with a smile and a "Welcome Home".

We all know that he is in heaven waiting for us to come. R.I.P Kaka Fred..







 * A Message to All Loved Ones Coping with the Tragic Loss of Fred Abbasi* 



I understand the pain of losing someone you loved so dearly at such a young age. I understand the agony of knowing someone willingly took a life away, without stopping to think of the damage that would occur to their loved ones. I understand the difficulty of going through an entire 24 hour day without being able to contact someone you used to talk to every hour. I understand the hurt of knowing that that person will no longer attend any of the important events remaining in your life. I understand the anguish of accepting the fact that this person suffered their very last seconds alone even though you always promised to be by their side. Lastly, I understand the torment of facing reality and finally realizing that this has not been your worse nightmare, but in fact the truth.


Soon, you will experience truth through your pain...the truth of knowing Fred live a fulfilled life for the years he was alive, the truth of knowing he was a shaheed so that his place in Heaven is reserved, the truth of knowing that those who die young are the more fortunate ones who God chooses to save from this cruel world, and finally the truth that Fred will no longer suffer nor see any suffering from his eyes...he lives in eternal bliss where it is you and I who will suffer from hereon



I ask you to think of this.  Amazingly, we have such a strong love for God even though we cannot see him, or feel him, or touch, or even hear him. I personally think this is because God is trying to teach us that you can love someone and they can always be there without you having to touch or see or hear them. All you have to do is close your eyes and they will be there, as close to you as the vein on your neck.



Tears will not bring our dear Fred back. I know if they could, you would never stop crying. Screaming will only bother his soul. Harming yourself in any way, this includes food and sleep, will not allow Fred to rest in peace. Praying is the only way you can reach out to Fred and benefit him. So every time you come to cry, scream, or harm yourself remember that by praying, you will be helping Fred far more.


With that said, I pray that Fred will rest in peace and that all of his loved ones will find peace through this difficult time.




We love you...forever in our hearts






Latest Memories
HAPPY 25TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is still so unbelievable, it hurts everytime I think of that summer night 2 years ago.. Although i know your in a good place, I still don't understand why this happend to you..better yet anyone in my family..i guess its reality... I moved closer to the cemetery but I haven't visited your site in such a long time..ill be there in the morning bakhair... lol the commercials for the nightmare on elm street keeps coming on and it reminds me of you cuz remember when you would always scare me by saying your real name is Freddy Kooger..aha lol i miss you..love you so much<3

Sallam uncle FRED!!!! i love you and miss you so much! we all do! the whole family! we have not forgotten about you! never will.  Forever our shinning star! <333333333333333333333
Idrees Abbasi
I still haven't come to the realization of Fred not being here. I get so excited each night when I go to sleep and dream of him. But then it hurts when I wake up and know he's not here. Every morning when I wake up for school, I sit on my bed and hold his R.I.P shirt and just think to myself about the times me and him had. I may be able to hide it on the outside, but the pain is killing me inside. I smile each time I see his picture, knowing that all he wants is for me is to succeed in life and not be stricken by his absence. I love you so much Uncle Fred, and can't wait to be reunified with you again. <3

P.S. I can't wait for June 18th. I'm praying that when I step onto the platform to receive my diploma at Fairfax High, you'll be somewhere in the stands clapping for me.
Sharifa Abbasi
I have struggled and fought myself to stay away from this page for a very long time because I just cannot bear the pain when Im on here....This page is torture...it's a constant reminder that your REALLY gone...I don't want to believe that your gone so I spend my days tricking and fooling myself into actually believing that your not really gone...I don't know...I guess its some kind of therapy or maybe its just my way of avoiding the pain...it's easier when you can pretend it never happened. However, tonite was just one of those nights. I came home and I used our house computer after a very long time. I was too lazy to plug my laptop in so I just decided to go into the library and use our computer. While I was on the computer, I start looking though some of the files on there and coincidentally I stumbled upon a folder which was labeled "Fred". Immediately, I felt that sharp pain in my chest and I wanted to just shut down the computer and leave the room. However, I could not help but open the folder. Deep in my heart I knew it was a bad idea because I knew I was in for some heart ache. Needless to say, my instincts were true. I opened the folder, and there it was! Pictures of you that you had taken with your Iphone and had uploaded on the computer. These were pictures of yourself that YOU actually took and that YOU actually uploaded on our computer. Oh my god...it's sooo painful. I wanted to die...it hurt so bad. I never imagined I would I have to endure something so painful. I just don't understand. Why did people tell me it would get easier? IT NEVER GETS EASIER. Why do I miss you so much? Why would I give anything just to hold you once more....your my brother...why is all this tooo much to ask for? Ever since you have left I have witnessed so much evil, greed, corruption and betrayal in this world. Kind of sad but sometimes I get jealous that you don't have to live with this stuff anymore. Yet still...I would experience any of these things a million times if it means I could have you back. My heart broke in half when you left me but yet even that wasn't enough. I guess God really wants it to break into peices. but what the hell...If losing you didn't kill me then these other things sure as hell aren't. I have lost faith in everything and everyone. My sole purpose in life is to do good so that one day I can achieve my ultimate goal....to be reunited with you in heaven.
Tina Murryland
Just dropping by to say that you still are always in our hearts. Even though so much has changed since that awful summer, one thing none of us will ever forget is all our memories.

Last night i had a dream, and even though i can't recall much of it, i remember you being in it. We miss you so much Fred and may you continue to be all of our guardian angel. Love you sir!
Latest Condolences
2 years ago. 2 years ago. June 7, 2010
"To the world you may have just been somebody, but to all of us you were the world."

WOW, crazy how fast 2 years went by..i remember what exactly I was doing 2 years ago this time..how I found out about this tragedy..Nothings been the same since you've been gone, I wish I had the chance to let you know how much I love you and how much you mean to me..I wish i never made fun of the way you dance..now I understand its unique and probably one of the traits I inherited from you... I wish you were here to watch Sharifa graduate, I wish when I look around for you at family gatherings that you walk in the doors with a big smile, I wish I could chant your name when I watch the soccer games, I wish I could see your mom smile like she used to...I could really use a wish right now <3
Farishta missin ya March 13, 2010
We miss you :'(
Heres a poem I found
You look so peaceful lying there
With your hands folded upon your chest.
You look like you are sleeping
But you are at eternal rest.
So Long For Now.
Not a hair out of place,
A beautiful smile upon your lips
When someone special passes on
It does not mean they are gone,
Though they are no longer with us
Their memory still lives on.
It hurts so much to lose a friend,uncle -
Especially one that is trustworthy and kind.
FRED ABBASi, you were that special friend,
A rare and special find.
FRED ABBASi, you will always be with me
In spirit and in mind.
You will always have a special place in my heart
Forever until the end of time.
FRED ABBASI, I will not say "Good-bye".
This is not the end.
So I will just say, "So long..."
Until we meet again.
Surraya Happy birthday May 8, 2009
I hope you have a great birthday!!!!!!!!!!! Now, you can celebrate it with everyone!!! I remember this time last year sooo well... Basira, Sokina and I would talk about ur bday in lunch..i remember the exact words we were saying... I miss you so muchh, I know your happy though<3
Myra Happy Birthday! May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday uncle Fred!! we miss you !

Tina MD Missing you more and more April 12, 2009
Fred, i miss you so much and wish that all of this wasn't true. It has been over 10 months since any of us have seen you and even if it seems that we all are doing better, there are days that its so hard to face the truth and sleeping and dreaming that you are hear is the only comfort that we can get. Seeing your name on the stone today broke my heart into a million pieces. I told everyone that it was my biggest fear to go visit you and see your name on that stone. It hit me so hard. We always miss you and please dont stop appearing in our dreams......love you miss you always sir
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